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Purchasing a property in the Bay Area can be overwhelming to anyone regardless if you have purchased a property before or not. Our market is one of the most unique markets in the entire nation which, is why choosing your real estate professional can be one of the most crucial decisions that you make.


Luckily for you, You have found ME! I will be by your side during the entire process and I will protect you, your well being, and your money.


Purchasing a home is one of those BIG MOMENTS in your life and it is important for various reasons to have a professional like myself by your side. For starters, your future home could perhaps be a starter home, a fixer upper, forever home or simply an investment property.


During our consult we will discuss these in detail but so you can prepare yourself; I will be asking "What do you think your life/lifestyle will look like in the next 2-5 years" at this point you can roughly get an idea of where we are going but for now let's jump to the essentials. 



When purchasing a home you want to make sure you have a stable job to give you peace of mind that your home is safe. Banks will check for longevity at your current work place.

Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the most important factors that influences your interest rate. Ideally you want your score to be above 620 to be eligible for most loans and state grants.


Location is what gives properties their value. Depending on your buying power we will narrow down potential cities where you can buy your dream home.

Buying Power

Based on your yearly income a buying power will be determined. You will never be approved for a buying power that you will not be able to afford.

Purchasing a


Schedule a quick call with Daniela Alvarez.

During this call, I will ask you preliminary questions to gauge if you are ready to get pre-approved. Questions will be in regards to your downpayment, credit score, employment, monthly affordability/ ideal location


Understand Pre-Approval

Once you are pre-approved we will discuss your buying power along with your monthly payment so that we make sure you are comfortable with the the payment, since ultimately it will be your payment for a while. 


Strategize an Offer

Depending on how much buzz the potential home you fall for we will create a strategy that will result in you winning the house. I will also explain contingencies and what they are designed to do in order to protect your deposit. 


Getting Pre-Approved

When getting pre-approved they will need two years of taxes, two months of bank statements, and two months of pay stubs. If you are self employed it's a little different but similar. I will recommend lenders based on our call. 


Finding the ONE for you and your needs.

The best part of the process is looking at all the homes that you could potentially love. We will discover your likes, dislikes, explore the different size of homes, and understand condition of the home.


Accepted Offer

Once your offer is accepted, based on our offer strategy the count down to getting keys begins! You will potentially need to provide more documentation to lender since they are ultimately approving you for a loan. Once you get the final approval we can close and you get KEYS! 

Here to Help!

I know all of this information is new, I am simply one call, text, email away. Don't be shy!

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